Ginza Official Recommended News


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Aquamarine Collection

Aquamarine is a variety of Beryl, like Emerald, carrying a name which means "water" and "sea" in Latin. With the color of blue to greenish-blue hue, it resembles the ocean color. This color is caused by the little amount of "iron" inside it. If in the Garnet, this same "iron" will produce a deep...


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Party Color Tourmaline Collection

Just like the name, it is a gemstone that show a variety of colors when observed from different angles. A gemstone that comes with two colors is known as "Bi-Color", while the stone that comes with three colors and more is known as " Party Color". One of the reasons behind this various colors in ...


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Cat’s-eye Collection

Cat's eye, especially during ancient times when cat has been valued as a guardian angel, is trusted to be able to protect someone from evil things. The secret of this fantastic "Eyes" is due to the inclusions of fine parallel tube mineral fibers in the gemstone that reflect light in a single band....



「今年の夏は何を着る?」 銀座三越では只今、サマーファッションキャンペーンを開催中。 一足先に夏を先取りする色彩豊かなレディスファッションはもちろん、冒険心に溢れるメンズファッション、 さらには夏の風情漂うライフスタイルまで夏の彩りが色トリドリに大集合。 この夏を謳歌するためのアイテムを探しに! ぎんみつで会いましょう。 Web= 会期:4月26日(水)〜5月14日(日) 銀座三越各階 ...


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Rubellite Collection

Rubellite with the name like "Ruby", only a few are entitled to call themselves 'Rubellites'. Its color shines in the most beautiful nuances from red to shocking pink. Tourmalines are closely related gemstones which have been created originally in many different colors. Among them, rubellite is th...