You will be amazed by the vivid blue color. This time here is teardrop-shaped cut. While being a tiny stone, this hauynite with vivid tone has a preeminent sense of existence. A shape of hauynite delicately weaving under the diamonds looks like a chip of chilly blue summer sky of and attracts our a...
It is told that discovering of alexandrite is associated with Imperial heir of Russia Alexander II who lived in that time. When presented to a person, anyone regardless gender or nationality finds the beauty of mysterious and unusual color changing very attractive. This alexandrite is a highly tra...
Deep emerald color heals gently. Refreshing and vivid green is the jewel color that is popular among Japanese people in any era. This time we introduce a necklace with outstanding high transparency and special "green" tone. Among the many emeralds whose inclusions tend to be cloudy, this item has a...
[video mp4="https://www.ginza.jp/wp-content/uploads/655fd8c4663191bdab266fa777d692fb.mp4"][/video] こだわりのスーツスタイルから上質なカジュアルルック、ギフトにもぴったりなアイテムまで、冬の紳士の装いに品格と洗練を添える品々を、スペシャルプライスで取り揃えました。 さらに、この期間限定でご不要になった紳士アイテムのお引取りキャンペーンも実施いたします。 詳細は、下記銀座三越HPをご覧ください。 皆さまのご来場をお待ちしております。 ※数に限りがある商品もございますので、品切れの際はご...
Christmas Fair until 12/25 (Wed) Snowman & Santa Clause 【2nd Basement Floor】Bread & Pastries...