Ginza Official Recommended News


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Hauynite necklace 0.15 ct

You will be amazed by the vivid blue color. This time here is teardrop-shaped cut. While being a tiny stone, this hauynite with vivid tone has a preeminent sense of existence. A shape of hauynite delicately weaving under the diamonds looks like a chip of chilly blue summer sky of and attracts our a...


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Alexandrite ring 1.77 ct

It is told that discovering of alexandrite is associated with Imperial heir of Russia Alexander II who lived in that time. When presented to a person, anyone regardless gender or nationality finds the beauty of mysterious and unusual color changing very attractive. This alexandrite is a highly tra...


【Favorite Stone】New arrival:Emerald necklace 0.68 ct

Deep emerald color heals gently. Refreshing and vivid green is the jewel color that is popular among Japanese people in any era. This time we introduce a necklace with outstanding high transparency and special "green" tone. Among the many emeralds whose inclusions tend to be cloudy, this item has a...



[video mp4=""][/video] こだわりのスーツスタイルから上質なカジュアルルック、ギフトにもぴったりなアイテムまで、冬の紳士の装いに品格と洗練を添える品々を、スペシャルプライスで取り揃えました。 さらに、この期間限定でご不要になった紳士アイテムのお引取りキャンペーンも実施いたします。 詳細は、下記銀座三越HPをご覧ください。 皆さまのご来場をお待ちしております。 ※数に限りがある商品もございますので、品切れの際はご...



Christmas Fair until 12/25 (Wed) Snowman & Santa Clause 【2nd Basement Floor】Bread & Pastries...