Love for people and nature and striving to “go back to our roots”
The 21st part in the GINZA×CSR series introduces Genten, a lifestyle brand centered on leather handbags. We spoke with Ikumi Okada, General Manager of the MD General Headquarters, about the three basic principles of Genten: care for the environment, cherishing limited resources, and striving for craftsmanship that inspires a lasting emotional attachment.
General Manager of the MD General Headquarters, Genten Business Division, Kuipo Co., Ltd.
Ikumi Okada
Joined Kuipo Co., Ltd. in 1997.
Worked in the Sales Promotion Division. Participated in launching the Genten brand while being in charge of advertising, sales promotion, and shop design.
Managed promotion, marketing, and shop development of Genten from 1999.
Became the General Manager of the MD General Headquarters in the Genten Business Division in 2014.
Karin Sugiyama
Alterna consultant
Offered services in marketing, communication, business strategy and new business development activities for foreign-affiliated IT companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms.
After going independent in 2008, Sugiyama now participates in educational projects for solving social challenges, assists cooperative alliances between companies and NPOs, and offers consulting for CSR activities and practical assistance.
Writer: Karin Sugiyama Planning/editing: Alterna
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