Swan Bakery
Helping people with disabilities achieve financial independence and a joy of working
In the 13th part of the Ginza×CSR series, we bring you Swan Bakery that sells freshly baked homemade bread. Swan Bakery opened in 1998 to help individuals with disabilities achieve financial independence and currently has four directly-managed shops including the original one in Ginza and 24 chain stores, employing more than 350 disabled individuals. The goal is to give an alternative to low wage work and offer opportunities to share the joy of working. We asked the president of Swan Bakery, Tadashi Okamura, about the thoughts behind this business.
Swan Bakery Ginza Shop
Bread from Swan Bakery
Swan Cafe
President of Swan Bakery
Tadashi Okamura
Born on December 30, 1958
April 1981 Graduated from the Waseda No. 1 Faculty of Letters and joined Yamato Transport Co.
June 1977 Head of the main Hiroshima branch
June 2000 Head of the Personnel Division
June 2002 Head of the main Tokyo branch
April 2004 Executive Officer and Head of the Hokushinetsu office
October 2005 Executive Officer and Head of the Tokyo office
April 2008 Head of the Management Strategy Department
April 2012 Managing Executive Officer and Head of the Management Strategy Department at Yamato Financial Co.
April 2014 President and CEO of Swan Co.
Karin Sugiyama
Alterna consultant Offered services in marketing, communication, business strategy and new business development activities for foreign-affiliated IT companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms. After going independent in 2008, Sugiyama now participates in educational projects for solving social challenges, assists cooperative alliances between companies and NPOs, and offers consulting for CSR activities and practical assistance.
Writer: Karin Sugiyama Planning/editing: Alterna
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