Mikimoto’s social contribution activities
Pearls are a gift from the sea
In this part of the Ginza×CSR series, we asked about the social contribution activities of Mikimoto, producer and seller of jewelry. Every winter season, Mikimoto attracts attention for its huge lighted Christmas tree set up outside the Ginza main shop. The Christmas tree is founded on Mikimoto’s corporate philosophy of building a beautiful world that is at one with nature.
Pin brooch, ballpoint pen and necklace sold in Mikimoto’s Christmas charity 2013 event
Mikimoto pearl farming zero emissions map
Public Relations Department, Public Relations Division, K. Mikimoto & Co.
Shiho Sakamaki
Born in 1985 in London, England. After graduating from university, joined K. Mikimoto & Co. in 2007. Worked in sales to domestic and international customers at the main shop in Ginza before starting her current post. In addition to corporate promotional activities aimed at newspapers, TV and magazine companies, press conferences for new products and proposal and lending of products for magazine and TV shoots, she is also responsible for running publicity seminars and events, implementing cooperative project and publishing the website. She strives daily to follow and achieve the dream of Kokichi (the founder) to decorate people around the world in pearls.
Karin Sugiyama
Alterna consultant Offers services in marketing, communication, business strategy and new business development activities for foreign-affiliated IT companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms. After going independent in 2008, Sugiyama now participates in educational projects for solving social challenges, assists cooperative alliances between companies and NPOs, and offers consulting for CSR activities and practical assistance.
Writer: Karin Sugiyama Planning/editing: Alterna
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