Ai no Izumi: Sony Group charity program
Providing enjoyable programs through annually changing installations
As the Christmas season approaches, Ginza has become decorated with holiday lights. In volume 9 of the GINZA×CSR series, we talked with Kazuhisa Yanai, Director of the Sony Building, about “Ai no Izumi” (Fountain of Love), a charity event that is held each year from December through January.
A boy on a baseball team that received a uniform through the Achieve Your Dream Project
Last year’s Ai no Izumi event
Director of the Sony Building and Manager of the Branding Site Management Department, Sony Enterprise Co.
Kazuhisa Yanai
Began working in the Sony Showroom in the Ginza Sony Building, then worked in the Osaka and Odaiba shops that were hubs for branding before taking on his current position. His mottos are to have a spirit of hospitality and to make prompt decisions by multitasking.
Karin Sugiyama
Alterna consultant Offers services in marketing, communication, business strategy and new business development activities for foreign-affiliated IT companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms. After going independent in 2008, Sugiyama now participates in educational projects for solving social challenges, assists cooperative alliances between companies and NPOs, and offers consulting for CSR activities and practical assistance.
Writer: Karin Sugiyama Planning/editing: Alterna
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